Call for Topic Contributed Session Proposals
Close 15 February 2022
Call for Topic Contributed Session Proposals for the 2022 IMS Annual Meeting
The 2022 IMS Annual Meeting will be held in London, UK, June 27-30. We plan to hold a normal in-person conference, but with an online format as a fall back option.
Upon the request from members in our community, the conference also accept the proposals for "Topic Contributed Sessions": Each session is for 90 minutes consisting of 4 talks.
A successful proposal should contain:
1. The title of the session
2. Organiser/Chair: name, affiliation and email address
3. Four speakers: name, affiliation, email address, title and and
abstract for each speaker
Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2022.
Decisions for acceptance will be made by 15 March 2022.
If you have any queries, please direct them to